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Archive for the ‘General Information’ Category

June 19, 2011 1:12 am    |    by Barbara Kerr

Workshops & Treatments: 2024-25

Tzenwaxolokwauhtli takes appointments for individual Ketzalxiuhteotl energy treatments in all locations.

For information about workshops, treatments or private counseling sessions or for home/office space clearing please use the contacts for each location.



    Treatments, December 6, 9, 10
    Workshop, December 7 – 8

    Contact: Tlatzolxixitl (Anne) 207-874-2884
    Email: tlatzolxixitl [at] gmail [dot] com


    December 24 – 31
    Workshop, Please inquire

    Contact: Yowalmitzteo (Carmen) 813-784-2329
    Email: carmenleesargeant [at] gmail [dot] com



    Treatments, January 2, 3, 6
    Workshop, January 4 – 5

    Contact: Tlatzolxixitl (Anne) 207-874-2884
    Email: tlatzolxixitl [at] gmail [dot] com


    January 21 – 27, February 3 – 5
    Workshop, Please inquire

    Contact: Yowalmitzteo (Carmen) 813-784-2329
    Email: carmenleesargeant [at] gmail [dot] com

  • NEW MEXICO – Albuquerque

    Treatments, January 29 – February 2
    Workshop, February 1 – 2

    Contact: Yei Otzomahtli (Linda) 505-480-4398
    Email: lindaberthoin [at] gmail [dot] com

  • MEXICO – Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo

  • Weeklong Workshop, February 13 – 20
    Tzen will be holding his annual Mexico workshop again this year on the Pacific Coast in Ixtapa. Prerequisite: Attendance at a workshop in the U.S., or Tzen’s permission. This is a wider experience of The Tradition where we join together with Tzen’s Mexican’s students. For further details about the workshop and costs:Contact: Tlatzolxixitl (Anne) 207-874-2884
    Email: tlatzolxixitl [at] gmail [dot] com

Distance Treatments

If you are unable to meet with Tzen in person, he is offering to be available to provide support for our wellbeing by doing distance treatments for you and/or loved ones on request. The cost is $200.

For those who have not experienced a treatment in the past, they are very helpful for proactive health maintenance, clarity and decision making in our lives, and healing of a specific problem or situation. You do not need to be in a particular location or circumstance while you receive the treatment.

If you would like to schedule a treatment please contact Tlatzolxixitl by WhatsApp or Text, at (207) 874-2884. Send a short note about your intention, or need (who, where, what), and she will explain how to make the payment (Paypal, or at a Bank of America). Once this is done, Tlatzolxixitl will inform Tzen about your treatment request.

See the book: The Aztec Calendar, Nitrogen and Life


Tzen’s schedule is subject to change. Please check back here for new information or with local contacts for Tzen’s travel updates.

For additional contact information, click here.







November 2, 2010 1:17 am    |    by Barbara Kerr
The Tetzkatlipoka Tradition is a part of the Mexikayotl or Aztec culture and its purpose is to develop consciousness. The foundation of this tradition is a system called Nawi Ollin Teotl that has been developed over the past 5,500 years and passed along through an oral tradition. The Tradition has kept this wisdom hidden within Mexihka (Aztec) families after Mexihko Tenoxtitlan lost the war with the Castillians in 1521. In the year 1989 the decision was made by the Elders to open the Tetzkatlipoka Tradition and to share its knowledge and practices with humanity. Tzenwaxolokwauhtli is the Carrier of the Medicine System in this Tradition.