The Tetzkatlipoka Tradition teaches about developing consciousness and taking personal responsibility for all aspects of our lives. As part of this path it is important that each of us learn how to maintain our own health in the most optimal way. Health should be a daily practice that encompasses good nutrition and proper hydration together with KETZALXIUHTEOTL self-treatments and other practices for working with the energies developed by the Tradition.
Food is the most basic medicine.
How much attention do you give to your food? What types of food do you regularly eat? How fresh is it? What quantities do you consume? In what proportions? How often do you eat, where and at what time of day? The first step is to become aware of your answers to these questions.
Human beings have always lived on the Mother Earth. We could not have survived as a species if we were unable to maintain our own health. We did this with a great variety of clean, fresh and unprocessed food as the foundation for a good life.
While the Tradition has different methods to restore health, from using herbs, teas, smoke, TEMATZKAL (sweat lodge) and other forms of natural, non-invasive medicine, it is easier to take care to preserve health rather than regenerate it when it is broken.