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Nawi Ollin Teotl

The system of teaching developed by the Tetzkatlipoka Tradition is known as the NAWI OLLIN TEOTL (Movement of Four Energies).

There are four great energies in the Universe. When these energies move in a favorable manner they generate harmony. Four fundamental levels also form human beings: the physical body (nakatl), the mind (matik), the emotional (pampa), and the energy field (tonalli). When these four aspects are in balance in the individual, they will allow the soul (newatl) to manifest and flow in the most optimal way.

This simple system is a powerful tool that can be applied to many aspects of our lives. When looking at the concept of Harmony in a NAWI OLLIN it’s four main elements can be represented in the following way:

The NAWI OLLIN is also a form that is used to understand and clarify all aspects of life using four fundamental concepts:

  • Indispensable
  • Necessary
  • Desirable
  • Excellent

The energy of the four mix together and result in a fifth aspect that is represented in the center of the NAWI OLLIN:

  • Fact


Notice on usage: The NAWI OLLIN TEOTL system, the grid format, the corresponding words, percentages, colors, directions and the basic aspects of the human being is the intellectual property of the Tetzkatlipoka Tradition. Please do not use it without permission and attribution.